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Stand Out

Stand Out


A lot has been planted
In our dear minds,
We're too programmed,
They decide who's good and not...
I mean who came up
With the right version of everything?
How do we know it's right?

Actions speak louder than words, really?
I can love you truly
But still, be afraid to act on it.
Cause if I do act
I'll be exposed and it will be easy
To take advantage.
See why I disagree?

Believe me, this is no theory
Or just a statement,
It's proven experience.
You show care,
You show that you can love...
Then you're spotted
Welcome to exposure of real pain.

Life is a race, really?
What if it's just grace?
Clearly, we're not running with the same pace,
So maybe we shouldn't compete,
Some chase success,
Some are chased by the success
Which is the best?

Do you really want to be like the rest?
Your difference might be the best,
Don't judge a book by its cover?
What if I'm good outside
And also inside?
See you never know
So, make your own quotes.

Rather be alone than along!
Rather be happy than secured,
Some may learn about it,
But you can apply it,
You know your worth
I believe you're different in your own way
So, play your own game!


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