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After Humanity

After Humanity


Life is now edit,
Innocence is manipulated
Love doesn't love anymore,
Everything has changed,
Our minds are corrupted
Dreams are no longer chased
Where exactly is humanity?

Everything is just not enough
For everyone,
We even replace eyebrows
You know why?
Well, I don't know
It's funny when you say right?
But damn, nature is no longer conserved

I don't even hear the birds sing,
I guess it's those days,
I mean the end game
The only game people now care about
Is the game in cellphones,
Everything is now an application
We can't even have a proper conversation

Imagine, we no longer meet in a public
We just skype
Yeah it saves time
But just kills our time together,
Allowing humanity to fade
Technology is great
But I wish to jump this train
Only if I could survive

Imagine the world
Without sound machines,
Just the harmony from trees,
Sounds like a tale world, doesn't it?
That's why I spend a lot of time
In my tales, I feel like I'm human there
Let's chat yes but I want to see you
See, we're just limited!


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